Home Life Ladies, 5 Things A Woman Will Do When She’s ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs Of You

Ladies, 5 Things A Woman Will Do When She’s ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs Of You

Ladies, 5 Things A Woman Will Do When She’s ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs Of You

To help you spot the signs of jealous behavior, here are 12 signs that a woman is jealous of you:

1. She is always trying to compete with you

Jealous people like to compare themselves to others and are never happy with what they have.

If you find yourself in a competition with her that you haven’t even signed up for, it’s a clear sign that she’s jealous of you.

2. She’s always putting you down

Jealous people can’t stand to see others succeed.

She’s always putting you down, it’s a sign that she’s jealous of your accomplishments. She will try to make you feel that you are not good enough and that she is better than you.

Don’t let her negativity get you down, keep doing what you are doing, and don’t listen to her criticism and comments.

3. She’s Easily Irritated or Agitated

Do you find that She is easily irritated or agitated around you? Jealous people can’t stand it when others are happy and will often try to ruin it.

If She is always finding reasons to be angry with you, it is a sign that she is jealous of you. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to let her mood affect yours!

4. She says you don’t deserve anything good.

This one should be obvious. When a woman feels that you don’t deserve anything good, there must be something else.

5. She belittles your success.

It’s normal to feel insecure, but when people feel the need to take it out on you, that’s when you should draw the line.

One of the other signs that a woman is jealous of you is how she handles your successes.

Source:yourtango.com, selfdevelopmentjourney.com