Home Life Man falls in love with single mom – adopts her six sons

Man falls in love with single mom – adopts her six sons

We are all aware that genuine love can occur at any time and in the most unexpected circumstances.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of falling in love with someone is the opportunity to create a special link with the people in their lives whom they care the most about.

For Tony Thomas, this meant falling in love with his future wife Lexy and her six sons.

Relationships can not usually last forever, even if we are deeply in love in the beginning. According to Forbes data, 50% of first marriages result in divorce or separation, which Lexy experienced when she parted from her sons’ father.

Welcoming Tony into their lives

This meant that she was a single mother to all six of them: Elijah, Isaiah, Ethan, Sheldon, Simeon, and Iridius.

After a while, she decided to join an online dating site, hoping that there was still someone out there for her. Tony was likewise on the same website, expecting for the same result. They eventually made their way to each other.

Before they decided to meet in person, the couple had been conversing and FaceTiming for a while, getting to know each other and bonding over shared ideals. So Tony flew to Kentucky to see Lexy, not realizing she would become his future wife.

However, once they met, Tony and Lexy discovered they couldn’t live without each other, and because Lexy had six children, Tony decided to relocate to Kentucky.

Lexy was initially concerned about exposing her sons to Tony since she didn’t know how they would react. “I introduced him to my children as Mr. Thomas and they called him that for the longest time up until we got married,” according to her.

Tony slowly gained the boys’ trust, and he married Lexy in a magnificent wedding ceremony. All six of Lexy’s sons warmed up to him and came to enjoy having him in their life. Most importantly, they made him feel welcome.

A big blended family

Blended families can sometimes lead to tension, especially if a new stepparent does not bond well with their stepchildren. However, this was not the case for Lexy and Tony.

In fact, Lexy’s six sons and Tony’s daughter Alexis from his previous relationship got along well. Tony even adopted all six of Lexy’s sons, who took on his surname.

“The boys all have the surname Thomas, and Tony is on all the kids’ birth certificates as their father. One of the boys even changed his first, middle and last name when he was adopted,” Lexy said.

Tony and Lexy’s family has grown to include two more members since their marriage and adoption: one-year-old Autumn and nine-month-old Lexton.

Lexy has since said that Tony was the answer to all her prayers, revealing: “I had prayed for all the great characteristics in a man that I see in Tony. I didn’t pray for, like, a super weird husband, but that’s what I got. But then I got all these other things.”

Tony also expressed his gratitude for adopting six sons, particularly because he had always desired a male. “She had more kids than I had ever considered that I wanted. But I prayed for a boy, and she had six of them, and now we have two children of our own,” he explained.

This is unquestionably the finest love story. It simply goes to show that even after a heartbreak, there is always someone out there who will adore you for who you are.