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Mom Calls Police on 10-Year-Old Son When She Finds Out about His Rude Behavior to Teacher

After a parent discovered that her kid had become nasty to his instructor, she decided to give him a great lesson in politeness that he would never forget by involving police enforcement. The question is, what did he do to deserve the participation of the police?

Understanding that everything you do has consequences can be a difficult lesson to grasp. Chiquita Hill’s narrative is an excellent example of this idea. Sean’s mother, who was 10 years old at the time, took immediate action after finding what her son was up to at school.

According to ABC News, Sean’s fifth-grade teacher alerted his mother about his misbehavior at school, including being nasty and disrespectful, neglecting to complete his schoolwork, and talking back. The educator believed that the student’s situation required severe assistance and decided to pay him a visit at home.

Sean’s teacher believed that talking to him with his mother present would result in a better conclusion; unfortunately, the youngster remained as defiant as ever. Chiquita described how the educator’s admonitions went “in one ear and out the other,” making her realize she needed to do something more to wake Sean up to the mistake of his ways, saying:

“I knew I had to do something to shock him.”

After the frustrated teacher left, Chiquita decided to seek aid from the Columbus Police Department. The parent, who was at her wits’ end, alerted police enforcement about her recalcitrant and unpleasant son.

After hearing her out, some police officers decided to pay a visit to Chiquita’s house. Chiquita gave her son one final chance to repent of his bad behavior before alerting him that the police were coming to chastise him, but the small kid didn’t trust her. Chiquita recalls:

“When they showed up to the door, that’s when it hit him.”

One of them got in the car and, for an added effect, flashed the lights, and drove up several inches to give Sean a proper scare. Chiquita got the VIP seat to watch all the fake drama play out as her little boy continued crying.

She later confessed that the whole plan went by so fast that her son had no time to react to it all, which left him believing they were taking him straight to jail. The ten year old’s mother said:

“I was trying to get a point across to my son— if you want to be disrespectful and you want to be rude, this is what happens when bad people do bad things.”

The police gave Sean a good earful before eventually deciding he’d been sufficiently shaken. The law enforcers then let him out of the car and watched him run as fast as possible to the safe haven of his mother’s arms!

Chiquita didn’t know what the policemen said to her son in the car, but when he returned to her, Sean came back as a changed boy. His mother shared:

“[Sean] gave me the biggest hug and said, ‘I’ll never do it again.'”