Home Life Mom Reunited With 21-Year Old Son 16 years After Separation

Mom Reunited With 21-Year Old Son 16 years After Separation

Mom Reunited With 21-Year Old Son 16 years After Separation

Faiza Karambu had a tumultuous childhood that saw her abandoned after her mother got married to another man, which saw her life spiral downwards.

With her education halted, she got employed as a house help in Majengo Eastleigh, a period that soon saw her become a mother in 2000 at the age of 15.

In November that year, Faiza went to labour and gave birth to a baby boy named Hajji, but her ray of hope would be forcefully taken away from her three years later.

Lived in a long period of darkness

He gave her a new strength but he was forcefully taken away from her no less than 3 years later. She talks to Tuko, “My mom took the baby and handed him over to his father, cutting all links between the two of us.” She was devasted after this incident and struggled to continue with her life.

She spent her days in despair and worried about her little son’s well-being. She explains that it was difficult to keep track because mobile phone were not so common those days and her life was too messed up to afford fare to Nairobi where Hajji lived.

A 2015 incident made her lose hope even further as she borrowed fare and travelled all the way from Meru to Nairobi only to learn that the family had relocated to an unknown place.

“I went back to Meru very disappointed. Every time I thought about my son I’d get stressed because I wondered how he looked like, and whether he was happy,” she added.

Reunited after 16 years

Everything turned on its head in September 2019 when a strange number called her out of the blues.

The young man on the other end of the line identified himself as Hajji and explained that he had obtained her phone number from an aunt. Faiza couldn’t believe her ears that she was hearing the voice of her son after almost 16 years of separation. This phone call was the beginning of a series of conversations and phone calls between the long-separated mother and son.

That call would be the starting point of a series of chats and calls that would culminate in mother and son meeting for the first time in 16 years.

It was, however, a wonderful opportunity for Faiza to explain to the young man what happened, adding that she did not abandon him like he may have been told.

Luckily, Hajji understood and has been embracing her as days go by, hoping to recover the lost years the two were apart

“There is little I can change about his upbringing now since he is already an adult, but the fact that he loves me so much as a mother is enough to fill my heart,” she concluded.

They are currently trying to communicate and rekindle the relationship that they never got to have as mother and son.

Source:tuko.co.ke, daily.lessonslearnedinlife.com