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Movie Star Housed This Homeless Lady, Learning She Slept in Laundry; He Became Her Friend Because She Had No Family

One of Hollywood’s most renowned actors and comedians had modest beginnings and lived a very different life than the one he presently leads. Still, one woman has remained a constant in his life, and their relationship has lasted many years.

A man relocated to Los Angeles to pursue his comedic career. He aspired to be a celebrity, but like every other star, he had to start small and work his way up to his big break. The ambitious actor and comedian accomplished this by doing odd jobs and performing stand-up routines.

He frequently worked in the rear of burger establishments, where he could showcase his talent before earning any major parts. While meeting Hollywood directors was vital, the man also met important friends along the way who would remain in his life for many years.

Meeting Mimi.

In 1994, the actor met a woman who would have a huge impact on his life in the coming years. Marie “Mimi” Haist was volunteering at a laundromat and surviving on customer tips when she met the actor.

The actor attended the laundromat where Haist was volunteering because he lived nearby. While their initial meeting was almost 20 years ago, the two remained close throughout the actor’s career in Hollywood.

Although Haist had previously been married, she had been alone for a long period before meeting the actor. After her divorce, she lived on the streets, looking for work or a place to sleep. She found both of those things in one location.

Haist began working at the laundromat, where her manager permitted her to survive for nearly two decades. Haist admitted that she would sleep between the washing and drying machines so that customers could not see her.

After meeting and becoming friends, the actor discovered that Haist was living at a laundry and promised to provide her a comfortable home to reside. Although the actor was not yet successful, he located and paid for Haist’s flat.

Later, the actor introduced Haist to ReneĆ© Zellwegger, who assisted Haist in furnishing her flat. While Haist was unaware of the actor’s identity, she recognized Zellwegger and was thrilled to meet her.

Red Carpet Treatment

Meeting Haist influenced the actor, but her life was irrevocably changed when she met the rising celebrity. By the time Zach Galifianakis landed his breakout role in “The Hangover” in 2009, the two had formed a deep connection.

This friendship created fresh opportunity for Haist to enjoy the finer things in life. Whenever Galifianakis had a film premiere or other Hollywood event, he would invite Haist to be his date.

Haist shared her thoughts on receiving red carpet treatment after meeting Galifianakis, stating, “If he’s in town, he takes me…” I dress nicely, and a companion assists me with my cosmetics. It’s enjoyable, and I never imagined I’d have this experience. Following that, the limo will take me home.”

While Haist enjoys attending the activities, she is not alone. Galifianakis stated that, while he dislikes red carpets, he feels better when Haist is with him at events.

Being in Galifianakis’ spotlight reflected part of the brilliance onto Haist. “Queen Mimi” is a documentary about Haist that was made in 2016. The documentary’s director, Yaniv Rokah, stated that he was attracted by Haist’s narrative and wanted to produce a movie about it.