Home News My 7 Y.O. Got Kicked Out of Her Own Room, at Her...

My 7 Y.O. Got Kicked Out of Her Own Room, at Her Dad’s House

When we learn that our child is distressed or that their belongings have been taken away, it’s as if our world has been turned upside down, and we feel driven to do anything we can to keep them safe.

Sonia, a mother, found herself in this scenario after her 7-year-old daughter was moved to another bedroom at her father’s residence. This revelation infuriated Sonia, forcing her to seek our advice.

My ex-husband and I share a 7-year-old daughter, Taylor. My ex remarried a couple of months ago, and his new wife, Lynn, has a 15-year-old daughter who also moved in with them.

Taylor spends only the weekends at her dad’s place, where she has a lovely Disney-themed room that she adores.

Recently, Taylor came back home from her dad’s place extremely upset. After sitting down with her, I discovered that she had been moved to a much smaller room in the house.

It turned out that my ex’s new wife and her teenage daughter had been making some changes in the house, and they decided that the daughter should take Taylor’s big room since she’ll be living there full-time. So, they gave Taylor a smaller room since she’ll only visit on weekends.

I became furious and decided to talk to her dad, telling him that the house remains Taylor’s home and they have no right to change her room.

He said that the decision makes sense since the house will be the other girl’s home as well from now on and she should feel comfortable living there.

How should I handle this situation?