When Rebecca’s mother-in-law, Darlene, comes home to take away her grandchildren’s Christmas presents, she’s left absolutely speechless. Later, Rebecca and her husband, Mark, learn that Darlene did this because she wanted to teach the couple a lesson… but karma intervenes, making sure that Darlene feels the same way the kids felt.
I’m a mom of three little rascals. For Christmas, my mil Darlene, gave my kids some awesome gifts like a new LEGO set, a princess castle playset, etc. The kids were over the moon, playing with toys and rocking those stylish clothes she got them.
But just 2 days later, she shows up at our doorstep, gripping three large empty bags. Her face was bright red, and she looked ready to explode.
“Darlene, hi!” I said. “What’s going on?”
She didn’t say a word. She just marched right past me into the living room, where the kids were now playing.
She packed everything she gifted the kids, to the tiniest detail, even the clothes that was in the washing and took it all back.
“You’ll regret what you did.” she muttered coldly, zipping the bags shut with finality.
And then, she stormed out, slamming the door behind her.
The kids were devastated. I tried to comfort my children, but honestly, I didn’t know what to say.
When my husband, Mark, got home from work, I told him everything.

He called her immediately. There was no answer. He texted his mother. No replies.
Darlene had gone completely radio silent, leaving us in the dark about what had triggered this insane stunt.
Three days later, Mark finally got her on the phone.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he sighed.
When he hung up, he looked at me with disbelief.
“What? Believe what?” I asked.
“She’s mad about her Christmas gift,” he said.
“Apparently, she was expecting that expensive designer handbag she’s been hinting about all year. Instead, we got her a $250 gift card to her favorite store. It was unacceptable, according to her.”
I completely lost for words.
“So, she took away the kids’ gifts because of that? What on earth is wrong with her?”
Mark nodded slowly.
“Yeah, she said that we disrespected her with the gift card and gave us a few days to make it right. Since we didn’t, she took the kids’ presents to teach us a lesson.”
I was floored. We were furious, but we weren’t about to let Darlene’s tantrum ruin Christmas for our kids.
That weekend, we dipped into our savings and bought replacements for the toys she took.
It wasn’t easy on our budget, but seeing the kids’ faces light up again made every penny worth it.
But Darlene? Karma had other plans for her.

Some days later, Mark’s cousin, Abby, called with some unexpected news.
“Did you hear what your mom did?” she asked, practically choking with laughter.
“Oh yeah,” Mark muttered. “We know all about her behavior. Why’s it funny to you?”
“Well, apparently, she’s been bragging to the family about how she taught you guys a lesson. But one of her friends, the one who’s super involved with that charity, found out.”
“Charity? Abby, what are you talking about?” Mark asked.
“Uh-oh,” I said, uncertain of where the conversation was going.
“Yeah, so her friend was horrified at what Darlene did. The things that she took from the kids? She donated them to a charity. Dirty clothes and all! Word has spread fast, and now people are distancing themselves from her. Big time.”
Mark looked at me.
“So, what? People are icing her out?”
“They are, but that’s not the best part!” Abby said.
“Then what is the best part?” I asked.
“Oh, Becs,” she laughed. “Lovely Aunt Darlene has been uninvited from the New Year’s Eve gala. You know, the one she brags about all year? Her favorite event of the year? Yep. All gone!”
Darlene loved that gala more than anything. It was the ultimate social slap in the face. And she would have probably been planning her outfit since October.
Abby cut the call.
“Serves her right,” my husband said. “She deserves this. She’s full of nonsense. And she donated the kids’ clothes just like that? She didn’t even wash it! What the hell, Becca?!”
“Let’s just have dinner with the kids and leave Darlene for the night,” I said.
A week later, Darlene called Mark, desperate for sympathy.
“They’ve all turned against me,” she sobbed. “I don’t understand what I did wrong!”
“Mom, you took all your grandkids’ Christmas presents because you didn’t get a handbag. Now you’re paying the price for being petty.”
She tried to apologize, but Mark wasn’t having it.
“If you want a relationship with my wife and children, you have a lot to make up for. And my kids are incredible. It’s your loss, Ma.”
In the end, we spoke to our children, explaining to them that their grandmother was angry with us, not them.
“She just wanted to teach Mom and me a lesson,” Mark said. “You guys did nothing wrong.”