Home Life My point is…

My point is…

My point is, when you love someone, when you care for someone, you have to do it through the good and the bad. Not just when you’are happy and it’s easy.

Love is the feeling that everyone wants to have. It is so wonderful when you love someone or you have a love to build.

To have a long lasting relationship, the love and care should be maintained and nourished everyday. To have a strong relationship, challenges should be overcome.

You hope you will be always happy with your relationship. But you should never give up even though you feel tired and exhausted. Every relationship has good times and bad times, so do your emotions. You should rest, think twice and think optimistic, then you will know what to do.

You also expect the relationship to always go smoothly. But it is inevitable when there is disagreement or negative influences from outside. You need to be calm and sympathetic to your partner, to overcome obstacles together.

I think that is the true love. Because true love will not give up under any circumstances.