Home Health Normalise Your Blood Pressure & Reduce Cholesterol By Mixing Lemon And This

Normalise Your Blood Pressure & Reduce Cholesterol By Mixing Lemon And This

Mixing garlic together with lemon juice help slash down the level of cholesterol and elevated blood lipids.

It also helps in normalising blood pressure, according to a new study.

As two amazing health promoting foods, lemons and garlic can promote the health of our bodies many in so many different ways.

As a matter of truth and fact, some even consider both lemon and garlic as superfoods.

When mixed together, the mixture becomes a very nutritional and antioxidant powerhouse that can help prevent diseases and infections.

Now let me tell you more on some of the incredible health benefits of consuming lemon mixed with garlic.

Enhance Cholesterol level and Lower Blood Pressure

Taking in lemon and garlic especially in the morning before eating will provide our bodies with many different vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients.

Lemons are highly filled with nutrition, including Vitamin-C, niacin, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Calcium, Potassium and Copper to name a few.

They also carry disease fighting flavonoid antioxidants.

Garlic is also well known for being very nutritious.

It has a high level of manganese, Vitamin C, selenium, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B1.

Apart from the foregoing, It also contains a unique and potent compound known as Allicin.

Frequent consumption of this mixture can also help to fight common cold and flu symptoms.

Apart from boosting our immune system, they can also help to treat and soothe respiratory disorders and infections, again due to their high levels of Vitamin C.

Garlic is also very effective regarding the treatment of common cold and flu symptoms.