Home News Science Shows That Women Sleep Better Next To Dogs Than Men

Science Shows That Women Sleep Better Next To Dogs Than Men

Sleep is an obvious necessity for good health. That is why so many academics are looking at the best ways to get a good night’s sleep. However, avoid chamomile tea and meditation before bedtime. According to new research, women sleep better near pets. That’s correct; Canisius College in New York State performed a study that discovered that canines make better sleeping partners than people or cats.

“We discovered that women commonly rate dogs as better bed partners than cats and human partners, and that their dogs improve their sleep quality,” says Christy Hoffman, Ph.D., animal behaviorist and lead researcher in the study.

Research shows that women sleep better next to dogs.

To get these conclusions, Hoffman conducted a study of over a thousand women residing in the United States. The findings revealed that 55% of participants shared a bed with at least one dog and 31% with at least one cat. Furthermore, 57% of these ladies shared a bed with a human partner, whereas the remainder did not.

Hoffman also discovered why dogs seemed to make the best bed companions. The first reason is that dogs’ sleeping patterns, as opposed to cats, more closely resemble those of humans.

“The difference between dogs and cats is not surprising because dogs’ major sleep periods tend to coincide more closely with humans’ than do cats,’” said Hoffman.

While there may be benefits to these comparable sleeping habits, additional research is needed to determine for definite. But Hoffman has some suggestions for how this could work.

“In comparison to human bed partners, dogs may be better at accommodating their human’s sleep schedule,” she said. “It’s not uncommon for human bed partners to go to bed at very different times and wake up at very different times. Such differences in partners’ schedules can certainly disrupt sleep. It may be that dog bed partners adapt more readily to their owner’s schedule than do human bed partners.”

Furthermore, dogs demand specific schedules and duties, such as morning walks. This type of regime helps their owners keep a habit, which improves sleep quality.

Stillness and Security

Additionally, dogs have a tendency to remain stiff while sleeping. Anyone who has slept with a fidgety partner understands how bothersome they can be. However, ladies in the survey stated that their dogs stayed on the bed for the majority of the night, as opposed to felines, who came and went.

The Ideal Partner for Quality Sleep

However, while the study reveals that dogs are ideal sleeping companions, their benefits are unique to each individual. For example, a dog may snore or make the bed uncomfortably hot. Furthermore, many owners report that their cats help them sleep.

Keep in mind that the study focused on how volunteers perceived their pets’ effects on their sleeping quality and length. As a result, more objective research is required to definitively determine whether dogs are the superior sleeping partners. However, Hoffman argues that these research may be beneficial because many American households have pets.