There is no denying the value of grandparents in early childhood development. However, scientific research has shown that a maternal grandmother has an influential influence. While we may believe that all cookies from Grandma are equal, genetics may be quietly impacting the impact of these relationships.
It’s All In The Genes
We all inherit genes from our parents, which are the fundamental units of heredity. These genes, in turn, are composed of DNA. DNA is then further divided into individual parts known as chromosomes. Every person has a pair of 23 chromosomes, one from each parent, for a total of 46. Of these chromosomes, 22 will be identical, with the final pair of sex hormones varying according to gender.
Half of a child’s DNA comes from the father and half from the mother. This means that the grandparents will share 25% of their DNA with the grandchildren. When it comes to the maternal grandmother, things shift unusually, and it all has to do with the X chromosome.

X and Y “s.e.x” chromosomes determine whether you have male or female get:nita:lia. Females have two X chromosomes, whereas males have one X and one Y chromosome. Maternal grandmothers therefore pass on 25% of their X chromosomes to both their grandson and granddaughter.
A paternal grandmother will pass on one of her X chromosomes to her granddaughter (making them 50% X-chromosome related), but she will not give an X chromosome to her grandson.
A Maternal Grandmother’s Contribution To Longevity
The theory of genetics is straightforward to understand, but how does it affect children? There are a few scientific ideas, but scientists believe that closer genetic relationships influence grandparents’ conduct.
This “Grandmother Hypothesis” posits that post-menopausal women help their grandkids live longer lives, so making a genetic contribution to subsequent generations. A team of researchers led by anthropologist Leslie Knapp uncovered a genetic relationship that supports this notion.

The researchers examined birth and death statistics from seven major populations around the world. Using data going back to the 17th century, the researchers focused on newborn death rates and the presence of a maternal grandmother.
Their findings revealed that the impact of a maternal grandmother’s presence in a child’s life was determined by her genetic relationship with them. In layman’s words, it is speculated that a grandmother’s level of caring for a grandchild is proportional to the percentage of her DNA the child carries.
Because maternal grandmothers are more genetically connected to their grandkids than paternal grandmothers, they may be predisposed to care for their maternal grandchildren. Being more closely connected affects how a person cares for a relative.

We would expect a mother to choose her own son over her nephew, or a sister over a cousin. Maternal grandmothers, who share more genetics with their children and granddaughters, are more likely to care for those who are closely related.
It is true that grandparents, regardless of genetics, generally adore and care about their grandkids. This study merely confirms that grandparents, particularly maternal grandmothers, make a crucial contribution to future generations.
These explanations explain why this genetic link could be so significant. A joyful youngster in their grandmother’s arms is generally sufficient evidence to perceive the benefits.