Home News This couple overheard a young guy’s conversation with the cashier

This couple overheard a young guy’s conversation with the cashier

My husband isn’t going to be happy I’m posting this.

Tonight, we were at Walmart and as we were checking out, we overheard this young guy’s conversation with the cashier.

He said, ‘I worked all summer long. So, I told my mom she didn’t have to spend a dime on my school supplies this year.’

Next thing I know my husband is shaking this guy’s hand and paying for his school supplies.

Alan has always valued hard work and he encouraged this guy to continue doing what he was doing, and his future could go anywhere he wanted to take it.

I didn’t want to post this just to brag on my husband. But also to brag on this young guy!

In a world where we are so quick to ‘share’ the bad things going on, I thought this was just the kind of goodness I needed to see!

Credit: Keri Gregg Miller