Home Jokes Three Men Were Buried Under A Landslide In China

Three Men Were Buried Under A Landslide In China

Three men were buried under a landslide in China.

They’re inside a car when it happened, and miraculously still have cell phone connection.

The first man made a phone call to the police:

“I’m a good citizen and husband, please come save us!”

The police tell him they will come for them in 24 hours

The second man made a phone call to the army:

“Comrade, I served the country as you do, please get me out of here!”

The soldier tell him they will come for them in 12 hours

The final man made a phone call to someone, and made a whisper which the other two man can’t hear

Within an hour, the men were dug out and rescued

A group of police officer walks up to the weary men:

“Alright, which one of you said Taiwan is a country?”