Home Quiz What The Lines On Your Hand Say About Your Personality

What The Lines On Your Hand Say About Your Personality

 What The Lines On Your Hand Say About Your Personality

Palmistry, also known as chirology, is the science of reading the palm of the hand and its lines. There are mainly three main lines in the palm of the hand, called the head, the heart and the life line.

Choosing the hand to read

I really recommend that you take the time to examine both hands, but you should start with the dominant hand.

1. Understanding the shape of the hands

The Four Elements of Palmistry

You need to start with the shape of your hand before looking at the lines and shapes of the fingers.

Most palmists subscribe to four main types of hand shapes that lend themselves to your personality traits and temperament. By understanding these most common classifications, you can begin to recognize other types of marks on your hands.

The Earth Hand

Square palm with short fingers

  • Realistic and practical
  • Believer in long-term relationships
  • Lovers of nature

The Air Hand

Square/rectangular shaped hands with long fingers

  • Intellectuals with great analytical skills
  • Think of a hundred ideas at once
  • Brings fresh and innovative solutions
  • Charming and good communicator

The Water Hand

Short palm and long, thin fingers

  • Creative, emotional and imaginative
  • Natural healers
  • Compassionate
  • Good in relationships, love automatically flows through them

The Fire Hand

Long/rectangular palm and short fingers

  • Full of action and adventure
  • Go-getter attitude
  • Passionate leader
  • Believer in love marriage

 2. What The Lines On Your Hand Say About Your Personality


It starts between the thumb and index finger and goes down to the wrist. Most people are drawn to the lifeline thinking that it indicates how long an individual will live, but this is a myth: it actually reveals the quality of experiences an individual will have in their life, as well as their emotional and physical health.

  • A long, deep line: A balanced life, full of strength and vitality
  • Short and deep line: Easily handled, has the strength to overcome almost any physical challenge.
  • Broken line: loss, illness, struggles

Heart line

Indicates the emotional stability and quality of relationships a person will have over the course of his or her life; it begins below the index finger and extends to the little finger.

  • Long line: Unrealistic expectations, warm and loving person
  • Short line: Introvert, person involved in their own life
  • Straight line: Logical and practical person

Head line

Known as the wisdom line, it reveals a person’s intellect and intuitive behavior. It begins just above the life line, between the thumb and forefinger, and runs horizontally across the palm.

  • Lifeline: Highly intelligent, short memory
  • Straight line: Organized, rule-following, down to earth.
  • Short line: Analytical, logical, direct
  • The minor lines reveal a person’s talents, interests, strengths and weaknesses. There are nine major and minor lines. They vary from person to person, and keep appearing and changing almost every three weeks.
  • The deep and short lines indicate a strong and promising career.
  • Weak lines indicate that a person is rapidly losing interest in his or her work and is constantly changing jobs.

The Fate Line

The last major line of the palm is the Fate Line; however, not everyone has one, so it may not apply to all your palm readings. For those who do have a fate line, it shows how much a person’s life is affected by circumstances beyond their control.

Fate lines can appear in many forms.

  • A deep line means that you are strongly controlled by fate.
  • A line with breaks or sudden changes in direction shows that you are subject to many changes in your life.
  • A line that begins to join the life line indicates that you are a self-made individual with many dreams.
  • A line that begins at the base of the chart and crosses the life line means that you have the support of your family and friends.
  • A line that ends at the heart line indicates that your career is affected by your emotions.