Home Personality Teacher Asked Her Students To Make A Sentence Containing “I Presume”. The...

Teacher Asked Her Students To Make A Sentence Containing “I Presume”. The Last Student Made Her Embarrassed

A school teacher asked her students to make a sentence that contains the expression “I presume”.

One little girl raised her hand and said, “Yesterday my mother hand washed the dinner dishes and I presumed that the dishwasher was broken.”

The teacher said, “very good”.

Another one said, “This morning, my father drove the Volkswagen out of the garage, I presume that the BMW wouldn’t start.”

“That’s excellent,” the teacher replies.

Little Johnny at the back of the classroom stands up and says,

“Yesterday I saw grandpa leave the house with a newspaper under his arm and headed for the bush, I presume that…….”

The teacher immediately interrupted him and said, “I stopped you because you have no idea what your grandfather was going to do, so you can’t presume anything.”

“Please Teacher, let me finish my sentence.”, Johnny says.

The teacher says, “Okay. Continue.”

“As I was saying, I saw my grandpa heading for the bush with a newspaper under his arm. I presume he was going for cr@p because he can’t read.”