Home Personality AS THE PLANE WAS GOING…


As The Plane Was Going Down, This Old Man Wanted To Know Something From His Wife… An old couple were sitting in the plane on their way to Hawaii to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Suddenly the pilot made an announcement: “Dear passengers, unfortunately I have some bad news. One of our engines has failed and we will be making an emergency landing.

Thankfully there is a deserted island nearby, where we should be able to land on the beach. The odds of being rescued however, are very low and it is likely that we will have to live on the island for the rest of our lives. “Thanks to the skill of the flight crew, they managed to land the plane safely on the island. Shortly after landing, the husband asked his wife: “Honey, did you pay the bill for the car repairs? “She answered: “No, I forgot to. “Still shocked from the landing, he asked a little longer: “Have the credit card bills been paid? “She answered: “Oh no, sorry, I forgot them as well. “Not long after, he asked: “One more thing, what about the doctor’s bill from last week? “Forgive me, Love, that completely slipped my mind too. “The man grabs his wife and gives her the biggest hug in 50 years. When he let go, she asked: “What was that for? “He answered: “They’ll find us!”

There was a boy, whose family was very wealthy. One day his father took him on a trip to the country, where he aimed to show his son, how poor people live.

So they arrived at a farm of a very poor family, as he considered. They spend there several days. On their return, the father asked his son, did he like the trip.

“Oh, it was great, dad“ – the boy replied.

“Did you notice, how poor people Iive?”.

“Yeah, I did” – said the bay.

The father asked his son to tell in more detail about his impressions from their trip.

“Well, we have only one dog, and they have four of them. In our garden there is a pool, while they have a river, that has no end. We’ve got expensive lanterns, but they have stars above their heads at night. We have the patio, and they have the whole horizon. We have only a small piece of land, while they have endless fields. We buy food, but they grow it. We have a high fence for protection of our property, and they don‘t need it, as their friends protect them.“

The father was stunned, he could not say a word.

Then the boy added:

“Thank you, Dad, for letting me see how poor we are.”