Home Personality Before Paddy goes

Before Paddy goes

Before Paddy goes to war he fits a chastity belt on his wife. He locks it and gives the key to his best friend Fergus.

“If I’m not back within 4 years, open and enjoy!”

He hops on his horse and hits the road. A half an hour later he notice a dust cloud behind him. He stops and sees that it is Fergus.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

Out of breath, Fergus answers: “It’s the wrong key!!”

Little Johnny and a little girl are playing.

Little Johnny pulls down his shorts and says,

“I have one of these and you don’t.”

The little girl starts crying and crying and runs home to her mother.

The next day Little Johnny and the girl are playing together again.

Once again Little Johnny points to his ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴛᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛs and says,

“I have one of these and you don’t.”

But this time the little girl just keeps on playing.

“How come you’re not crying today,” asks Little Johnny.

“My mother told me,” says the little girl, pulling up her dress,

“that with one of these, I can get as many of those as I want.”