Home Funny Never Upload These 5 Things About Your Relationship On Social Media

Never Upload These 5 Things About Your Relationship On Social Media

Never Upload These Things About Your Relationship On Social Media

1. Your s..x life

Nobody needs to know what is happening behind the closed doors. S^x is a very private and personal thing and it is better like that. Sometimes people won’t be even interested in how good your partner is in bed and sharing too much information will create your wrong image in front of people.

2. Your arguments

You may be an open person who likes to post everything on the internet but posting the about your fights and the arguments you had with your significant other could be very embarrassing.

3. Unapproved pictures of your partner

It could create a problem for you. You should always ask your partner before uploading their pictures on the internet.

They might not find it funny. Or may be it would be something they want to keep personal. To avoid the chances of the fight always prefer asking your partner before posting anything online.

4. Don’t give indirect messages through your posts to your partner

Sometimes we are not able to say how exactly we feel and some people have the habit of saying it indirectly either through a public post or through somebody else and this could surely develop the difference between you and your significant other. Whatever you are feeling just tell them directly. That would be the best.

5. Don’t Upload Mean Things About Your Partner’s Ex

If your partner had a bad past experience or has a bad relationship that doesn’t give you the power to upload mean things about them. It will only show your insecurity about your relationship.