Home Personality The Wife Calls Her..

The Wife Calls Her..

The wife calls her Scientist Husband. “Honey ! It’s Saturday night you are late”… Husband: “I am busy with my team in an experiment.

”Wife: “What’s that experiment? ”

Scientist Husband: “We’ve just added a derivative of C2H5OH with ambient temperature H2O and aqueous CO2, to cool this mixture added some super low temperature, solidified H2O. Now while waiting for some protein, we are fumigating the lab with vapors of nicotine. It’s a 4 or 5 round experiment, So I will be late. ”

Wife: “Oh dear. I won’t disturb you, You take your time”. Clarifications:- * C2H5OH (wh*skey) * H2O(water) * CO2(soda) * Solidified H2O(ice) * Protein(chicken tikka) * Fumigating (sm*king)

A Boy, His Father And His Mother Are Having Dinner.

A boy, his father and his mother are having dinner.

But the boy doesn’t want to eat his broccoli.

– Eat your broccoli! – says the mother.

– No! – exclaims the boy.

The father then leans toward the boy and whispers something in his ear.

The boy quickly eats his broccoli and goes into his room.

– What did you tell him?

– I told him that if he didn’t eat his broccoli, his d!ck wouldn’t grow.

The woman then stands up and slaps the man as hard as she can.

– What was that for? – he asks, confused.