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This is why you should NEVER give your baby kisses on the mouth

This is why you should NEVER give your baby kisses on the mouth

Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels

If you start once, when will you finish?

Parents kissing their children on the mouth can affect a child’s sexual perception because it begins to work at an early age. It is amazing that children begin to become aware of their gender between the ages of 4 and 6, and for this reason, parents should avoid creating confusing emotional ties.

Indeed, experts recommend that, regardless of age, parents should not allow children to receive any kind of emotional expression that could cause irritation or misinterpretation in the future.

Different opinions

However, some other scholars on the subject have disputed the idea that kisses on the mouth between parents and children cannot be confused and that they are merely a sign of parental love. . In a way, they dismiss the theory that “a simple kiss on the mouth” can confuse children about their relationship with their parents.

While it’s true that for millions of people, kissing their children’s mouths has become a common practice – so much so that it’s crazy to think that this could affect their young children’s emotional health. their – for many others, this remains in doubt. the appropriateness or harm of this habit.

6 healthy ways to show love to your children

Now – my dear reader-, once we have seen some of the reasons why it is considered right or wrong for parents and children to kiss on the mouth, it is important for you to know that there are many ways other – not difficult to understand – to express motherly or fatherly love. To do this, below I share 6 ways you can make them feel loved.

1. Kiss them on cheeks and forehead

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t know how to kiss a baby on the mouth properly, don’t worry, because there are kisses on the cheeks and forehead.

2. Hug them

Without a doubt, hugging your children when they wake up and go to bed is one of the healthiest and most comforting expressions of love you can give them. So don’t hesitate to hug them will make them happier and more confident kids.

3. Tell them how much you love them

No matter how repetitive it is, you should always tell your kids how much you love them. Whether in private or in public, use every day of your life to make them feel loved.

4. Support them all the time

Even if they are young and you think they have no goals or dreams yet, make them feel all the love you have for them through your support and understanding in every moment of their lives. their life.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

5. Write them letters

Letters will never go out of style when it comes to motherhood or motherly love. Therefore, dare to write to your children everything they mean to you. Without a doubt, they will thank you.

6. Play with them

In the end, you can be sure that playing with your children and giving them undivided attention is the best way to show your love. Without a doubt, this simple yet meaningful act will leave an indelible mark on their hearts.
